Friday, April 14, 2006


One time that I recall I was completely stopped in my tracks was the summer of 98. I was just out of eigth grade and the summer just began. It was early June and a hot summer day. My older sister was at my neighbor's pool swimming with her friends. My older sister Lacey is two years older than I am and probably the most pain tollerant person I have ever met. She was playing all kinds of water games with my neighbor's and it was her turn to dive into the pool. She was a great high diver. From what I understand she did a high dive off the diving board and landed straight in the water. However, instead of popping up immediately after her dive, she hit her head with all her body weight on the bottom of the underground pool. After the intense contact she floated to the surface of the pool and was paralyzed for about two minutes and couldn't move.

Face down in the water my neighbor dove in the pool and pulled her to the side. My sister then regained consciousness and walked out of the pool in discomfort. After a few minutes of trying to comprehend what had just happened to her she walked back to our house and told my mom that she hit her head in the pool and she wasn't feeling well. Lacey then asked my mom to rub her neck because she said it was really sore. My mom then began to massage the area's of her neck that she requested to be rubbed. My sister went for two days without telling my mom to the extent of what had happened and the real pain that she was experiencing. She was completely unable to move her head. She sat with her shoulders hunched and said nothing. Finally my mother noticed one day that my sister began to cry just when she thought no one was looking. My mom decided at that moment it was time to take her into the Doctors office for an x-ray.

After the x-ray was evaluated the doctor was shocked at what he found. My sister had crushed two vertebra and fractured another. The doctor told my mom that if she moves her head forward one forth of an inch she will be paralyzed from the neck down permanently. She was rushed to the hospital and scheduled an emergency nerosurgery with a specialist. She had a 50/50 chance of recovery with no pararlysis. I spent two weeks in the hospital with my sister by her side, watching movies, coloring pictures, playing video games, reading her cards to her, and what ever activity I could entertain her with. She had an amazing recovery. No paralysis and she didn't even need a halo, which is a neck brace that the surgen has to screw into her temples in her head. Lacey wore a neck brace for a year after the surgery. She has a long scar on her neck, and a very large scar on her hip. The Surgen took a large chuck of her pelvic bone from her right hip and fused it on to her 4th and 5th vertebra.

I was competely dead in my tracks during this entire experience. The tought of my sister not ever being able to swim, run, walk, or even feed herself again. It was a very difficult experience for our family, but we lived through it and to our fortune came out on top. Truely by the grace of God.
If I was a ghost I would haunt Donald Trump. I would follow The Donald across the world in his personal jets and stay with him in his countless mansions. I chose The Donald because he has wasted so much money and is so greedy that I would constantly be telling him to give his money away to charity. I would follow The Donald all of his life because I am pretty sure that he wouldn't give any money way until he was on his death bed. But the rest of his life he would be hearing voices and be seeing visions because I wouldn't let him sleep a single day without making him feel guilty for all the money he has wasted on five star hotels, expensive jewlery, and etc... By the end of his life all his money would be donated to people who need it.
Chuck Norris is like a burning rash that spreads with every late night info-mercial

Every time I see Walker Texas Ranger Chuck Norris's face is a circus clown that haunts me in my dreams.

Reece's Peanut Butter Cups are like the Kreb's Cycle, without it life is not worth living

Reece's Peanut Butter Cups are a golden coins, the value is worth while

Kitties are like disguised demons, with premedated intentions already unfolding

Kitties are house inspectors they know every inch and cranny

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I woke up one morning without the faintest idea of what happened to me last night. I couldn't even figure out where I was. It was dark and I couldn't see any windows or lights. I tried to recall my last memory. When suddenly I noticed that my legs were missing. They had been severed just above the knees. I thought to myself, maybe staying out late last night wasn't the best idea. I didn't know what to do at that moment in time, I was in quite a bit of pain and still drowsy. I wasn't even totally sure it was the next day or the next week. I decided to drag my self to one side of the room and try to find a way out. I crawled for what felt like an hour but I couldn't even find a wall. I wasn't sure if I should yell for help because I didn't know if somebody or something was gonna hurt me even more.

Suddenly a light flickered in the corner. It was very dim and I saw a painting on the wall. It was so dark I could hardly see, but it looked I crawled closer and closer and noticed IT WAS ME. It was a painting of me lying on the ground unconscious with no legs. What have I gotten myself into? I don't remember anything from last night and there is a painting of what happened to me on the wall. So I decided I better get out of this place. Where is there to go? It's so dark I can't see anything then I remembered I had a lighter, a stick, and gas soaked rags in my pocket. So I wrapped the rags around the stick and lit them on fire. Now I could see so I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and ran for it and was now in Tiajuna and decided to start drinking again! And so the story starts again.
I decided to describe this word in detail according to my life because -Yes I am a third year student in a freshman English course. The reason I am in this is course is because of the determination to get accepted into the MSU Nursing program. I fucked up freshman year I went to class when I felt like it. Its not that I failed out or hopped onto the academic probation list or anything I just had different priorities. I was bouncing back and forth between a couple different majors that I would be able to graduate early and really enjoy. It hit me one day, actually it hit me two nights in the hospital... I was admitted into the hospital with appendicitis and needed to go into emergency surgery because my appendix was about to burst. I had the best care from the nursing staff, they made me feel comfortable and knowledgable on what exactly was going on with my body. From that experience it hit me.... I AM going to be a nurse. I want to care for people and I am fascinated with the medical field. I shocked myself at this decision with the orignal intention of becoming an interior designer and international business major, I took a 180. After coming to the absolute decision that this is what I want to do I met with my advisor and told her my plan. My advisor looked at me with a blank stare and told me that pretty much it was unabtainable to reach this goal of becoming a nurse. She advised me to think of alternative majors, in which some that may be more "reasonable". Not expecting this type of enforcement from her, I decided that its my life and I am going to do it anyway. Determination is something that occurs when you have an end goal in mind and you do whatever it takes to get there. The shortcomings and bullshit don't matter.
A place that has a lot of meaning to me is Lake Koronis. For the past couple summers this has been my getway location. I have been dating Milan for the past two -maybe three years. He lives on a beautiful huge lake. It is so enjoyable all year around, but in the summer it comes alive! It is a touristy town in which many homes around the lake are only occupied in the summer with families who venture out for a break from corporate life.

I have many fun memories of Lake Koronis. I learned how to wakeboard there, it is the first time that I was apart of a five person tubing wars. Each summer I can't think of a better way to spend the few but goregous hot summer days in Minnesota. There are always friends around on a typical weekend. We usually spend the entire day on the lake doing a variety of watersports and sun bathing. The night cap consists of grilling food, and drinking beers then starting the all over again the next afternoon. Serenity....

I love sounds of faint activity. For example in the summer at Lake Koronis listening to boats drive by and people laughing. Or waking up to chipmunks chasing each other through the leaves in the tree just outside of my window. It could even be the sound of someone making breakfast or coffee in the morning while I lay awake in my bed. I enjoy sounds that I can sit and relax too, its very calming to me. I don't necessarily want to engage in conversation just listen in while my imagination drifts onto other things of a different nature. Maybe it is music on the boat playing while someone wakeboards, tubes, or swims.

One of my favorite things is laying in the hamock on a warm summer day with a light blanket wrapped around me listening to the sounds of the active lake. For example the sound of the waves crashing on shore will put me to sleep instantaneously. Another example is if I am layin out on the dock in the sun and I hear faint foot steps grow louder as they hustle towards me on the pier. I guess that it is the sounds of summer that I really enjoy. Its the sound of fun, relaxation, a care free lifestyle, and it comes around every year when you need it most. The sounds of summer is very comforting to me.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I skipped class in order to...
Extreme regret for not coming to class...

It was a Friday afternoon and I skipped class in order to meet a blind date that I met over the internet. This was no ordinary blind date, we met each other in a chat room conversing our feeling towards George Lucas's directing skills in the Revenge of the Sith. I was instantly captured by this mystery man's ability to evoke such emotion in me regarding my favorite films. We have been talking to each other at 9pm every night for the last two weeks. Finally we came to the decision to meet for lunch this Friday afternoon. I remembered that I had a fascinating English course at that time, but it seemed to meaningless to go, especially since I was about to meet the man of my dreams. I thought Jared would understand.

He called me this morning and confirmed our lunch plans to meet at Panera at noon. I had gotten up early and readied myself to the best I could and headed out the door to meet my tantlizing Tyrone or whatever his name is. I arrived a bit late so I could make my entrance and there he was sitting a a table with a white rose and a DVD. I knew that was him. I strolled over to the table and looked at the nervous man who wouldn't even look up to see if I was his lunch date. I coughed. Nothing. Then I cleared my throat. Still no glance in my direction. I finally said something and introduced myself. He was wearing a teal sports coat and black loafers. He looked so sexy. I wondered if he remembered that teal was my favorite color, and loafers are so classic. I ordered my lunch, and paid for myself. First strike I thought. We began to talk a bit about the weather, and not much else. I was growing board by the minute.

Then suddenly a load abnoxious sound came from his sports coat. The sound was a cell phone ring of Jessica Simpson. Weird, Strike Two. He actually excused himself from the table to take the phone call. Unfortunately however, he didn't go far enough and I over heard his entire conversation with his mother. The volume of his cell couldn't have been any louder. She was very upset with him. His mother was yelling and explaining that the school attendance office called and reported that his absense. She demanded his where about and said that she was on her way. Ok just how old is this guy, I thought.

He nervously approached me at the table and told me that he had to be back at the office. I laughed for a moment. I explained to him that he didn't look a day over 22 and I over heard his conversation with his mother. Then I finally grew some balls, and asked him just exactly how old he was. He told me that yes indeed it was his mother on the phone and he did skip school to meet me. Also he had borrowed his dad's sport coat, and loafers. He also admitted that he is 15, and bummed a ride from a friend this morning on his way to school and he had been there since 8:30 am. Also, to make matters worse his mom is coming to pick him up right now.

I turned bright red, I could feel the heat of embarassment run through my veins. I didn't say a single word to this kid, I picked up my purse and pulled my car keys out and walked as fast as I could to toward the restaurant exit then to my car. I looked over my shoulder and saw a middle aged woman park her car. Then she and ran to the entrance into Panera. I got into my car and locked the doors and tried to escape the humilation of the situation. I looked into my rear mirrow and saw the woman leave with her son aka my date with his ear in her hand. She was pulling his ear like a child. Oh My God get me outta here, I thought.

I went home a took a long shower. After leaving the bathroom I sat on my bed and decided reflected on the last hour of my life. I will never skipp class for a blind date again.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

For assignment number five I am going to use a previous flash fiction. I'm going to add to the story to make it fit the length requirements. It should make it very interesting to have it peer reviewed. I wrote a few FF in creative writing class last semester. Writing FF is fun and allows you to express yourself creatively. The stories are from events that have occured in my life but elaborated. So the story that I chose will be partially true but a tad elaborated. I am debating between a couple different stories. The first story is written in narrative format and is based on a college prank that my dad pulled on his friend. Its hilarious! The other story that I am looking into is about my first job in a hardware store and a very embarassing moment in my life, which is also a bit ridiculous.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


What is an friend with out the brutal truth?
What is a man who ain't a total mook?
What is a vaction without lots of lazin?
What is a beach with out fat man hazing?
What is a movie without exposure of boobies?
What is draggin behind a boat without tubbies?
What is a President without a motive?
What is a dog without lickin its belowtive?
What is a drug without the high?
What is an atmosphere without the sky?
What is a asshole with out his mood?
What is a perv without his crude?
What is Paris Hilton without her money?
What is Clinton without Monica's lil' bunny?
What is a party without the party ho's?
What is a drug without the blow?
What is a ex without an angle?
What is fishing line without a tangle?
What is a boss without an ego?
What is jackass without Steveo?
What is a tatoo without the ink?
What is a fart wihtout the stink?
What is a boyfriend without the excuses?
What is a stock broker without financial misuses?
What is a mother without the tears?
What is a college student without the beers?
What is reality TV without the drama?
What is Usher without his manger momma?
What is a cell phone without a ring?
What is a rapper without his bling?
What is James Dean without the cool?
What is Mr. T without "I pity the foo?"

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Island 2005 film directed by Michael bay is about a conspiracy regarding clones living in their carefully controlled "natural habitiat". Two clones discover that all they know is a lie and expose the secret behind the multibillion dollar illegal run corporation.

A critics review from a staff writer at this critic grades The Island as a C+. The writer declares that, "If you’re looking for a Michael Bay movie with a purpose, this isn’t it. If you can set aside the story and just watch “The Island” for what it is - a big summer popcorn flick - then it won’t disappoint."

Friday, February 24, 2006

I chose James Blunt "You're Beautiful"
and Damien Rice "The Blower's Daughter"

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. (I can't take my eyes off of you)
You're beautiful. (I can't take my eyes off of you)
You're beautiful, it's true.

I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

(I can't take my eyes off of you)

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. (I can't take my eyes off of you)
You're beautiful. (I can't take my eyes off of you)
You're beautiful, it's true.

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time

(You're beautiful)

And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you (You're beautiful)
I can't take my eyes off you (You're beautiful)
I can't take my eyes off of you (You're beautiful)
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

I saw you face in a crowded place,
(And so it is)
And I don't know what to do,
(Just like you said it should be)
'Cause I'll never be with you.
(I can't take my mind off of you)

You're beautiful. (I can't take my mind off you)
You're beautiful. (I can't take my mind off of you)
You're beautiful, it's true.

There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...
My mind...
'Til I find somebody new

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So ok music... For some reason I have a very hard time determining which band or type is my absolute favorite. I have a lot of favorites and I listen to a wide variety of music pertaining to which ever mood I am in. The majority of the time however, I listen to rock. Not too heavy, not too cheesy, just rock. A couple of examples would include: Breaking Benjamin, Staind, Trapt, Collective Soul, , Sublime and Iincubus. Trapt rocks for long car rides on a summer day. There is fo sho nothin like crowd surfin, or moshin to you fav rock band!! Sublime, OAR, Oasis and Collective Soul for in the boat on a Lake with a bunch of friends. This type of music is perfect for me. It's embodies the type of person that I am chill, and easy going - especially in the summer--Life is good. Utter Euphoria. Sublime is so versatile. It's perfect for people to enjoy together in lots of occasions: parties, at the bar, chillin, summer, snowboarding, and etc... I really like artists that have unusual voices. It doesn't really matter their range, I don't need a Christina Agulara. Just something different, refreshing. I don't like artist's who become a product.

I really enjoy the sound of the band Incubus. They are a rock band that is kind of alternative they use acoustic guitar and are extremely musically talented. This review rated Incubus five stars which is kick ass. I really like the title the critic chose and that is For Once Music that has Meaning... There music conveys how people are so robotic and its clique to say but they 'don't take time to smell the roses'. Also Incubus is known to take a few stabs at society, I like that not being a conformist, that rocks, literally.The lyrics are meaningful and not just a bunch of bull shit jubberish talkin about gettin ass, makin money, and smokin weed. They are simplistic but musically complex. I like the way that Brandon Boyd uses his voice as a musical instrument. I saw Incubus last year in concert and they were the absolute hands down best damn band I have ever seen live. I couldn't believe how amazingly talented they are.
Ok, now don't get me wrong I like some Rap. Rap is defiantly a mood setter for example its perfect for dance parties and goin out to a club, or just getting hyped up about something. I can't stand the type of Rap that spits lyrics pertaining only the above listed. Come on now, how superficial and lame can we be? My favorite Rapper is Kanye West. Although he is probably the cockiest mother F***** I have ever seen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What am I passionate about, good question. There are many different things that I am passionate about a few are: making a difference, and traveling. I know that this sounds really cheesy but I want to make a difference in peoples lives. I want to accomplish this by being a compassionate and knowledgeable nurse. Maybe by traveling and helping people in different areas in the world. Giving of myself to help better the lives of others.
I am also very passionate about traveling. Since a young age I have had the opportunity to travel. It's kind of an addiction for me. There are so many places that I want to see and experience on my own. I often think about where I want to go next. A good friend of mine studied abroad last year in Italy and plans on getting married in Florence, Italy this summer. I will be attending the wedding and then staying two more weeks and touring Greece and Ireland with my boyfriend. I can't wait. So I have been saving for extra traveling and spending bling.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Well today I finally finished my application to the University of Minnesota's nursing program. It was kind of a lengthy process due to the requirements and my procrastination. The most difficult part of the application that I found to be quite challenging for some strange reason was the essay section. I had to write about life experiences such as volunteer work, create a resume, and also write a one page essay on what in my experiences prepares me to work with a broad array of people and situations... I felt a lot of pressure from this requirement because I believe that the essays will make or break the application/acceptance. So I went to town. I got the resume out of the way that was very easy.
Then I began with the essay. It was really weird to reflect back on my life and try and answer the prompt to the best of my ability. Different cheesy things were coming to mind to write about but nothing seemed to be worthy of the University standards. Then I remember a course that I am currently enrolled in Human Relations Education with Dr. Bussler. One requirement in the course is to participate in some type of service learning in particular with a group of people that we don't feel comfortable with. For instance, in class we had to rank which group we felt the most comfortable with to the least comfortable. The groups included: race, ability, gender, sexual orientation, class, age, and religion. I felt very encouraged with this assignment. It makes each student step out of our comfort-zones and look within ourselves. Anyway I chose race and class for my service learning experience. I attended the service learning conference at MSU and signed up for the Theresa House. Which is an amazing organization that provides an emergency shelter for families and single women, which gives particular attention to refugees and immigrants.
I decided that my experiences with the Theresa House would be my best answer to the applications question. It was actually very difficult to limit what I had to say. Hopefully the University of Minnesota will appreciate my honesty and experience. I just finished the entire application just before class and its ready to be mailed off.
The MSU nursing application process is much different. The acceptance is based on GPA alone, no experience is necessay, no resume, and no volunteer work. After finishing the U of M's application process I believe that my making these options open for releasing other personal experience and information better reflects the individuals applying.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I decided that this winter vacation I wasn't going to stress my self out with work and take much needed time to relax from a stressful semester. I took exactly a week off at work to stay at home and enjoy some much needed family time. The holidays never feel the same without the family traditions. So I participated in the usual with my parents and two sisters: cross country skiing, cooking, shopping, a holiday play, decorating, and planning our traditional family Christmas Eve. Each Christmas Eve every member in our family chooses their special appetizer that will be served at our brunch. The appetizer followed my mothers famous colossal sized home made cinnamon rolls. This is my favorite day of the year. After gorging ourselves with the arrangement of food we then precede to gifts. A couple years ago my dad bought a kick ass digital camera and is now obsessed with the idea of taking as many family pictures possible at every event. Which even though can be annoying at times is actually kind of cool, because right after returning from an event he jumps on his computer and loads all the pictures on files and makes a slide show to music. I like the idea of being taken back to an event. After the assortment of photo's we went to my grandparents home and had a wonderful tradional Christmas. The rest of the week kept up the same spirit. Except that the week seemed to be over before I knew it.

I unfortunately had to return to Mankato for work. I ended up being in Mankato for four days and working each day, although I really do enjoy my job it just wan't the ideal place to spend my break. Currently I am working at New Ulm Medical Center in the emergency room and business services. Before New Ulm I worked in Mercy Hospital in the cities holding the same posistion and since both hospitals are Allina facilities I transferred hospitals for the time being. The atmosphere of small town hospitals and small towns in general are so different from what I am used to. The chief complaint currently from New Ulm patients is bowel obstruction instead of the usual internal bleeding, head wounds, or cardiac arrest from the cities. But people are much more warm and friendly in smaller towns, well New Ulm anyway... I grew up in Andover, a well-to-do surban city north metro, and wholly shit do all the residents know it. So the experience of small towns are really quite amusing and interesting to me.

After working in Mankato for a few day, I visisted my boyfriend at his home town Paynesville, Minnesota. This town is like a whole different world to me it consists of a population of 2300. One huge difference that I noticed is friendships and loyalty. Don't get me wrong I have great friends and am very loyal to them, but in small towns its different. They seem to be like family. Its kind of refreshing actually. We ended up spending New Years there. A good friend of ours had a huge wild New Years party, it was a drunken fest. I participated in the usual: the count down, the popping of the champaine cork, and the kiss. There was this really strange kid at that party though. He showed up really early and no one knew him or who he came with and he ended up drinking way too much and passed out in the entry way of the house and was out for a good few hours. Being the nursing student that I am, I thought that it would be a good idea to check on him to make sure that there wasn't anything too crucial going on . So I proceeded over and gave him my assessment and concluded that he was just completely shit-faced. The next morning he got a ride home and was just fine.

The rest of my break I spent with my friends kicking back and drinking a few. I was actually pretty active. I went to Afton Alps a bunch. I actually think that I left a dent on one of the runs. Damn, your first time out of the winter sucks. I bought a new snowboard this winter and put it to good use. My boyfriend and I took a bunch of our friends out snow tubing to Hill-Billy-Hills in Cold Spring. It was my first time ever snow tubing, I expected a lazy ride down the hill and nothing too exciting. Quite the contrary, there was this absolutely crazy run called Devils Dive and it was honestly a 120 ft wall. When a tuber would go down the run you wouldn't be able to see them for two seconds, it sloped inward. It was a rush, especially since at the end of the run there was a pond that looked very slushy, safe I know.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The first expectation that comes to mind that I have for ENG 101 is that this course will help me to be able to develop better research papers. I want to be able to express myself in writing and learn to communicate very effectively through writing. I readily enjoy reading novels and flash fictions. This class will hopefully better prepare me for becoming an effective creative writer.

A weakness in English composistion that I exhibit is a lack of knowledge in the basic elements such as my over use of comma's and run-on sentances. I have taken a few English courses and have developed my writing abilities, although I tend to forget the basic components of grammar. I have already taken a English 101 course my freshman year and I received a B. This grade was due to my lack of attendance being the young and wild freshman girl that I was. Now I am a third year student nursing major and I decided to retake English for a better grade.
I look forward to this class to better educate myself with a background in the basics of research, correct grammar and the correct use of comma's and eliminating run-on sentances. I really want to be able to produce excellent research papers and essay's. The one thing that I would say that I would be afraid of in this course would be for me to leave the class with out improving my skills.

Since the beginning of the course the instructor has been able to keep my attention with his overwhelming amount of fun-loving engergy and I plan on thoroughly enjoying this course. I expect the insturctor to be very knowledgable on the various topics discussed throughout class and be able opperate a fun learning environment. Also I expect the instructor to assist me and my classmates with any type of course related questions and concerns. I really appreciate that this class's assignments and contents is on D2L. I find it much easier to locate assignments and information regarding the course online. The instructors grading system is very gracious and lenient. The fact that students are able to revise any assignments that were handed in on time is truely a grade-saver. Also I believe that by this grading system it helps the student to demonstrate effective writing by determining the errors and revising the paper. Another aspect of the course that I believe that I will enjoy is the peer review or workshopping. When your peers review your work I beleive that they bring a whole other dimension to your paper with their input and ideas.