Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I decided to describe this word in detail according to my life because -Yes I am a third year student in a freshman English course. The reason I am in this is course is because of the determination to get accepted into the MSU Nursing program. I fucked up freshman year I went to class when I felt like it. Its not that I failed out or hopped onto the academic probation list or anything I just had different priorities. I was bouncing back and forth between a couple different majors that I would be able to graduate early and really enjoy. It hit me one day, actually it hit me two nights in the hospital... I was admitted into the hospital with appendicitis and needed to go into emergency surgery because my appendix was about to burst. I had the best care from the nursing staff, they made me feel comfortable and knowledgable on what exactly was going on with my body. From that experience it hit me.... I AM going to be a nurse. I want to care for people and I am fascinated with the medical field. I shocked myself at this decision with the orignal intention of becoming an interior designer and international business major, I took a 180. After coming to the absolute decision that this is what I want to do I met with my advisor and told her my plan. My advisor looked at me with a blank stare and told me that pretty much it was unabtainable to reach this goal of becoming a nurse. She advised me to think of alternative majors, in which some that may be more "reasonable". Not expecting this type of enforcement from her, I decided that its my life and I am going to do it anyway. Determination is something that occurs when you have an end goal in mind and you do whatever it takes to get there. The shortcomings and bullshit don't matter.

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