Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A place that has a lot of meaning to me is Lake Koronis. For the past couple summers this has been my getway location. I have been dating Milan for the past two -maybe three years. He lives on a beautiful huge lake. It is so enjoyable all year around, but in the summer it comes alive! It is a touristy town in which many homes around the lake are only occupied in the summer with families who venture out for a break from corporate life.

I have many fun memories of Lake Koronis. I learned how to wakeboard there, it is the first time that I was apart of a five person tubing wars. Each summer I can't think of a better way to spend the few but goregous hot summer days in Minnesota. There are always friends around on a typical weekend. We usually spend the entire day on the lake doing a variety of watersports and sun bathing. The night cap consists of grilling food, and drinking beers then starting the all over again the next afternoon. Serenity....

I love sounds of faint activity. For example in the summer at Lake Koronis listening to boats drive by and people laughing. Or waking up to chipmunks chasing each other through the leaves in the tree just outside of my window. It could even be the sound of someone making breakfast or coffee in the morning while I lay awake in my bed. I enjoy sounds that I can sit and relax too, its very calming to me. I don't necessarily want to engage in conversation just listen in while my imagination drifts onto other things of a different nature. Maybe it is music on the boat playing while someone wakeboards, tubes, or swims.

One of my favorite things is laying in the hamock on a warm summer day with a light blanket wrapped around me listening to the sounds of the active lake. For example the sound of the waves crashing on shore will put me to sleep instantaneously. Another example is if I am layin out on the dock in the sun and I hear faint foot steps grow louder as they hustle towards me on the pier. I guess that it is the sounds of summer that I really enjoy. Its the sound of fun, relaxation, a care free lifestyle, and it comes around every year when you need it most. The sounds of summer is very comforting to me.

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