Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The first expectation that comes to mind that I have for ENG 101 is that this course will help me to be able to develop better research papers. I want to be able to express myself in writing and learn to communicate very effectively through writing. I readily enjoy reading novels and flash fictions. This class will hopefully better prepare me for becoming an effective creative writer.

A weakness in English composistion that I exhibit is a lack of knowledge in the basic elements such as my over use of comma's and run-on sentances. I have taken a few English courses and have developed my writing abilities, although I tend to forget the basic components of grammar. I have already taken a English 101 course my freshman year and I received a B. This grade was due to my lack of attendance being the young and wild freshman girl that I was. Now I am a third year student nursing major and I decided to retake English for a better grade.
I look forward to this class to better educate myself with a background in the basics of research, correct grammar and the correct use of comma's and eliminating run-on sentances. I really want to be able to produce excellent research papers and essay's. The one thing that I would say that I would be afraid of in this course would be for me to leave the class with out improving my skills.

Since the beginning of the course the instructor has been able to keep my attention with his overwhelming amount of fun-loving engergy and I plan on thoroughly enjoying this course. I expect the insturctor to be very knowledgable on the various topics discussed throughout class and be able opperate a fun learning environment. Also I expect the instructor to assist me and my classmates with any type of course related questions and concerns. I really appreciate that this class's assignments and contents is on D2L. I find it much easier to locate assignments and information regarding the course online. The instructors grading system is very gracious and lenient. The fact that students are able to revise any assignments that were handed in on time is truely a grade-saver. Also I believe that by this grading system it helps the student to demonstrate effective writing by determining the errors and revising the paper. Another aspect of the course that I believe that I will enjoy is the peer review or workshopping. When your peers review your work I beleive that they bring a whole other dimension to your paper with their input and ideas.

1 comment:

Mason said...

I found your blog! Disco!

Don't worry about minor grammar errors. The only time I let grammar get in the way of a grade is when bad grammar gets in the way of expressing ideas. And even then I'll just ask for a revision based on my editing comments and suggestions. But according to what you just wrote, I'm not worried at all that any minor grammar errors will get in the way of your ideas.

I'll "correct" your grammar and hope you change it. The idea is to trust YOU to heed the "corrections" and keep them in mind for the future. I find that approach works better than being a grammar Nazi. People learn more that way, I think/hope.

Anyway, you'll be fine. Just don't let poor attendance get in the way of your A, as you wrote about regarding your first time through the course. Welcome!