Tuesday, March 07, 2006


What is an friend with out the brutal truth?
What is a man who ain't a total mook?
What is a vaction without lots of lazin?
What is a beach with out fat man hazing?
What is a movie without exposure of boobies?
What is draggin behind a boat without tubbies?
What is a President without a motive?
What is a dog without lickin its belowtive?
What is a drug without the high?
What is an atmosphere without the sky?
What is a asshole with out his mood?
What is a perv without his crude?
What is Paris Hilton without her money?
What is Clinton without Monica's lil' bunny?
What is a party without the party ho's?
What is a drug without the blow?
What is a ex without an angle?
What is fishing line without a tangle?
What is a boss without an ego?
What is jackass without Steveo?
What is a tatoo without the ink?
What is a fart wihtout the stink?
What is a boyfriend without the excuses?
What is a stock broker without financial misuses?
What is a mother without the tears?
What is a college student without the beers?
What is reality TV without the drama?
What is Usher without his manger momma?
What is a cell phone without a ring?
What is a rapper without his bling?
What is James Dean without the cool?
What is Mr. T without "I pity the foo?"